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— Galatians 6:10
Volunteer & Make a Difference!
Vision Dinner Fundraiser:
Our Vision Dinner is our largest fundraiser of the year with over 1,000 guests in attendance! Come volunteer and join the mission to help raise funds to continue to serve those living in poverty and crisis in the Hill Country!
Volunteer Opportunities Include:
Auction/Table Host Phone Calls
Auction Basket Assembly
Data Entry
Tent Setup
Auction Setup
Tent Cleanup
Ready to Sign Up?
Sign up at Volunteer Sign Up
orCall 830-755-5200
Email us with any question.
Recurring Volunteer Opportunities:
We have opportunities that occur Monday-Friday 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm, every other Friday evening and one Saturday per month. Sign up to serve with us today!
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith..”