Transformation requires
more than food.
For too long, we have defined poverty only as a lack of material things. Poverty, especially generational or persistent poverty, often changes how people perceive themselves, their community, and their relationship with God. It often becomes a culture in and of itself.
God calls us to reach out and share our resources, ourselves, and the love of God with our neighbor in need. These realities require us to change how we define and address poverty.
A Pattern of Poverty
Living in rural poverty is very difficult, and its causes are complex. Most of the families we serve live on less than $30,000 annually and report no connection to a family of faith. Those who struggle typically use words such as "failure" and "hopeless" to describe themselves, and don't see a life beyond the daily struggle.
Persistent poverty is linked to many other underlying issues. Our neighbors struggle with substandard conditions such as , lack of heat or air conditioning, and unsafe housing. Poverty is marked by isolation, food insecurity, deterioration of health, addictions, abuse, and depression.
Children living in poverty often become educationally behind and many live in fatherless households. Fatherlessness will cause a child to be five times more likely to follow in poverty themselves.
Discouraged & Defeated
Our neighbors in need are single mothers, low-income families, the elderly, the disabled, and at-risk children- all struggling in desperate situations. When first interviewed, 85% of families believe they will always need assistance. Confidence is low, so in addition to providing for physical needs, HCDBM clients learn their value as God sees them. Strengths are identified. Potential is explored.
Equipping God’s People
God intended us to be in a relationship with Him and each other. He desires both the helped and helper to experience transformation. It is vital that along with material help, our neighbors experience the good news of Christ’s redeeming love through Christ-centered relationships.
Since 2000, Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries has been fighting poverty and equipping God's people to look at the whole person - their spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.
We believe it is unacceptable for people to live without basic necessities, and for us as a community to not reach out with God’s love and unlimited resources to help them break free of poverty.
A Promising Future
Miracles happen when a loving church and mentor, supported by a knowledgeable and caring case manager, come alongside a family. They happen when an at-risk child is given the same support for their challenging walk out of poverty and into a life filled with hope. There are thousands of families, children, elderly and disabled living in our communities that need help.
United and equipped with the power of Christ, we can help our neighbors transform from hopelessness and dependence to self-sufficiency and promising futures.
Join us in our fight against poverty!
With the help of volunteers just like you, Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries delivers over $5 million in product each year and works with dozens of church and community partners to bring hope and help through our programming.
With a variety of opportunities for anyone interested, we encourage you to join the mission.

The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
-1 Corinthians 10:4