Leading with
Executive Management
Agnes Hubbard
Executive Director & Co-Founder
Executive Assistant
Tobey Mata
Executive Assistant
Bonnie Finley
Donor Development Director
Melissa Guerrero
Donor Development Officer
Debi Watson
Communications & Auction Director
Sarah Persyn
Communications Specialist
Jen Fairchild
Community Resource Coordinator
Eugenia Smock
Development Administrative Assistant
Kerry Lischka
Finance Senior Director
Valerie Trevino
Finance Assistant
Roger Gonzales
Mentoring Ministries Director
Church Partnerships
Paul Giguere
Strategic Partnerships Director
Mary Sue Hurdt
Volunteerism & Guest Experience Director
Support Staff
Jeff Presson
Information Technology Manager
Family Mentoring
Aaron Powers
Family Mentoring Resource
Program Director
Fernando Charles
Family Mentoring Resource Program
Partner Support Specialist
Ilse Reyes
Family Mentoring Resource Program
Case Manager Supervisor
Marco Ford
Family Mentoring Resource Program
Case Manager
Sandra Collins
Family Mentoring Resource Program
Case Manager
Tatiana Freire
Family Mentoring Resource Program
Case Manager
Stand By Me Mentoring
Alexis Perez
Stand By Me Student
Mentoring Director
Jennifer Pease
Stand By Me Student
Mentoring Case Manager
Jovan Salazar
Stand By Me Mentoring
Senior Case Manager
Miguel Martinez
Stand By Me Student
Mentoring Support Staff
HCDBM Board of Directors
Dwaine Rivers
Board President
Dwaine earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. He owned Eagle Valley Homes in San Antonio from 1979 through 2006 when he sold the business. He continues his work in real estate as an agent for Phyllis Browning. Dwaine brings expertise in business management, fiscal management, and business planning to the Board of Directors.
Agnes Hubbard
Co-Founder, HCDBM Executive Director
Agnes and David Hubbard are the founders of Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries (see Our Story) .
Agnes is the Executive Director of HCDBM and oversees all operations.
Agnes grew up in New Zealand and the Cook Islands where her father opened the first supermarket. Agnes graduated from Texas State University with a BS in Horticulture and worked for 17 years in new products research and plant production for Lone Star Growers Inc. Wholesale Nursery. Later, she was owner and operator of Garden Angels Inc., a landscape design company, from 2000 to 2004. She credits her preparation for ministry to her 10 years in Bible Study Fellowship leadership.
Curtis Bissonnette
Member at Large
Curtis Bissonnette attended Texas A&M University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. Curtis furthered his education by graduating from The University of Texas Mc Comb School of Business with a Master of Business Administration. His experience stems from various roles ranging from marketing, sales, strategic sourcing, project management, and global supply chain during his employment at Valero Energy Corporation. Curtis also serves as a trustee in his church.
Bill Fisher
Member at Large
Bill’s commitment to service began in February 1997 when he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Bill attended Texas Lutheran as a Business Major and Southwest Texas State as a Criminal Justice Major. He is retired from Sysco Corporation after 31 years serving as President & CEO of Sysco Central Texas. Bill is very active in the community and volunteers for a variety of organizations such as Meating the Need, United Way, American Red Cross, San Antonio Daily Bread Ministries, and Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries.
Robert Cooper
Member at Large
Robert Cooper began his relationship with Christ in 2000 and wants to work to eradicate generational poverty in the Texas Hill Country. Robert is a Regional Account Executive at Flow Therapy. He has participated in Management Development and graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Economics. Robert has volunteered with HCDBM to support the Vision Dinner and other fundraising events. He is dedicated to serving others and his church.
Brian Donavan
Member at Large
Brian graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 2001, and upon graduation, served nine years as a Navy pilot. He deployed on the USS Kennedy and USS Eisenhower, and was stationed overseas at NAS Sigonella in Sicily, Italy. After leaving the military, Brian worked as an engineer for Chesapeake Energy, before receiving his MBA from Harvard Business School. He moved with his family to the Boerne area in 2016 for a role at Valero Energy, where he still works today. Brian's experience at Valero includes roles in Business Development, Strategy and Public Policy, Supply Chain and Marketing.
Brian and his wife, Lori, live in Boerne with their three children They are active members of St. Peter's Catholic Church, and Brian serves on the Board of Trustees at the Geneva School of Boerne.
Our Statement of Faith
We believe
there is one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19; Ephesians 4:4-6
We believe
that Jesus Christ, though fully God, came to earth as a man. Through His sinless life, His atoning death, and his bodily resurrection, He offers us salvation, new life, and a place in the family of God.
John 1:1-4, John 1:12; Philippians 2:5-11, Hebrews 1:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
We believe
the Bible is inspired by God and is authoritative in the life of every follower of Christ.
2 Timothy 3:15-17; John 17:17
We believe
the Holy Spirit is present and active in the world today, empowering those who follow Christ to live and love well.
Galatians 5:16-18; Romans 8:9
We believe
that salvation is a gift of grace, received through faith in Christ and expressed through good works performed in His name.
Acts 2:38; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:4-6
We believe
the Church is made up of all people who follow Christ; across creed, gender, race, and social class.
Matthew 22:36-40; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 4:1-6
We believe
that all followers of Christ have the responsibility and privilege to proclaim the gospel by actively sharing their faith in Jesus and demonstrate the gospel by compassionately caring for the “least of these”.
Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8; Matthew 25:40